Aquarius Horoscope
Weekly – Monthly – Yearly Horoscope
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope
April 15th, 2024, Mercury retrograde is conjunct Chiron at 18° Aries. This is the 2nd Mercury-Chiron transit in a series of 3 (the first was on March 20th, at 19° Aries, and the 3rd will be on May 7th, at 21° Aries). Aries is your 3rd house which is responsible for study, documentaries, contracts, trips and communications.
Mercury retrograde, with its introspective quality, gives us an opportunity to dig deeper into the root causes of our wound (Chiron) and reframe our understanding of ourselves.
The second most important transit of this week will be Venus conjuncting the North Moon Node. When we talk about the Moon Nodes there is always something fateful. North Moon Node represents our future and perspectives, and Venus is responsible for love, beauty, pleasure and money. Possibly that decisions and events of this week could be very important and ought to delineate the future in some way.
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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope - June 2020
There are two types of Aquarians: The controlling type and the relaxed type. If you belong to the first group, things must have been struggling a lot with the volatility of almost everything. There is an incredible cosmic energy in the sky, and you need to learn to let go of the grips. We know it may sound difficult, but once you manage to let go, it’ll be a huge relief.
Aquarius Tarot Reading - June 2020
Every month, we do a Tarot reading for zodiac signs. Here’s our Aquarius Tarot reading for May 2020. Don’t forget to check your Moon and rising signs.
If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is in Aquarius, you’ll have a guest from the past. Although the nostalgia might make you feel good, you probably know that the outcomes of this connection will be more intoxicating than before. It’s not the time to listen to your heart; it’s time to get your life together!
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2020 Aquarius Horoscope
It looks like 2020 is going to be a lonely year for Aquarians and people with Aquarius rising sign, but not in a bad way. Since Jupiter will be in the 12th house of Aquarius for the majority of the year, a long journey focused on self-discovery, especially on the spiritual front. So if you’re thinking about starting meditation, we highly recommend it. It may be a lonely year for you, but beneficial things will come out of those alone times. You may even find the purpose of your life, eventually. Luckily, Aquarians love to spend time with themselves, and in 2020, it’s going to be the best of the quality time alone.
Free Personalized Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius may be the most skeptical zodiac sign when it comes to astrology. We know that positive sciences always come first for our reasonable Aquarius friends. If you think so, you haven’t seen a “real” horoscope reading. To give an accurate horoscope reading, you need to consider all of the variables going on in the sky, adding the personality details. It’s not impossible, but it’s very difficult. And now, it’s real.
You can finally get an accurate horoscope reading, personalized just for you. Download our free daily horoscope app and come into the world of real astrology. It’s fun, we promise. Want to know more about your own zodiac sign? Check out our Aquarius zodiac sign page to learn the essentials of your sign.
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